Located just a few blocks from the Texas state capitol, Delisi Communications is a full-service government relations and strategic consulting business focused on impacting legislation, policy, and regulation on behalf of our clients.

Delisi Communications has experience at all points in the legislative and procurement processes, including bill drafting, bill tracking, preparing talking points and legislative support documents, securing bill sponsors, organizing legislative testimony, lobbying legislators, coordinating stakeholders, building coalitions, crafting amendments, analyzing procedural points of order, reviewing the state budget, and monitoring the veto period.

Delisi Communications staff has significant experience drafting informational newsletters and other supporting documents for clients and their members, providing presentations at professional conferences and symposiums, drafting editorials and news articles for publication, writing speeches and political communication, administering political action committees, managing political campaigns, and providing consultant services on a wide range of issues.
Goverment Relations

Goverment Relations

Relationships and expertise are the cornerstones of good government relations. Delisi Communications excels at both.
Policy Development

Policy Development

To achieve any policy driven objective, you need a team with experience developing policy from the ground up. Delisi Communications has decades of experience helping clients.
Address: 1210 Nueces St, Austin, TX 78701

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